Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Jasminum (Jasmine)

Jasminum is a genus in the family of the olive family (Oleaceae). To this genus includes some important aromatic and ornamental plants such as jasmine or the real winter jasmine.

There are, in both deciduous species, as well as evergreen, woody species. Many species are climbers (lianas), there are also upright growing small trees and shrubs. The stems of the plants are often harsh and angular. The leaves can be both as alternate on opposite sides, in rare cases quirlständig. They are simple, three-piece or odd pinnate.

The inflorescences are in principle Zymo, but may grapes very different forms - or accept rispenartig, doldenförmig or köpfchenförmig -. In some species, such as the winter jasmine, the flower heads are also often reduced individual flowers.

The flowers are hermaphrodite heterostyl in most species. The sepals are usually bell-or tube-grown tiny, usually with four to nine calyx lobes. The crown consists of a long, narrow corolla tube and four to 16, in most species, only four to six wheel shaped extended lobes. The color of the crown is usually white or yellow, reddish pink in some species also bleak. The buds and the corolla tube on the other hand often dyed red. In many species, the flowers smell strong and pleasant.

The zweifächrige ovary grows into a black, two-bay, with some species also one half of the berry is reduced regularly.


The species of the genus are originally from tropical and subtropical regions of Asia, Africa, Madagascar, Australia and the Pacific islands, so the Old World. A few species also comes from the Mediterranean area (Jasminum fruticans) or from the Canary Islands or the Azores.

However, many species are cultivated outside their homes because of their flowers or their fragrance. Some species are in different parts of the world run wild.

Most species grow in thickets or bushes, for example along the edges of forests and rivers.

Source :

See Also: Sending Flowers, Online Florist, Florist

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